The Prayer of Sovereign Mastery
Because we all accidentally, or sometimes deliberately, give our power away, or attach to agendas that are not ours, here is a cleansing, realigning and focusing prayer for you to get back on track anytime: The Prayer of Sovereign Mastery I now release, dissolve and collapse all permissions, agreements, acceptances, allowances and contracts, given knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously, willingly or unwillingly, in any and every level, direction and dimension of time, space, reality and me, including, but not limited to, all of my life streams and time streams: · to play out anyone else’s agenda, · to dissolve, resolve and heal anyone else’s karma, past life issues, agreements, contracts, time streams, life streams, frozen spots or crystalisations and · to not embrace and allow myself to live only my timeline, only my karma, frozen spots and beliefs. I am f...