
Showing posts from May, 2017

Foundation Questions for Happiness

The basic foundation for creating happiness, and a joyful life, is to know and love yourself, feeling the gratitude and joy for you and your life You are filled with, and made up of, 'molecules of you' that connect with Source and respond electromagnetically through a series of processes to project your external world back to you.  These molecules of you are responsive to your thoughts, and commands or directions. The degree to which they respond to these, directly correlates to the amount of self love you have, so, the more you genuinely love, respect and nurture the self, the more responsive these molecules of creation are to creating the world and a life that you truly desire. Loving the Self and honouring the Self starts with self-acknowledgment and analysis.  You are a free will and sovereign human being.  Taking responsibility for your life requires releasing the blame, shame, gripe and moan spiral and bringing it back to you as the creator of your own happine...

Mastering Your Groove

What if we are a step-down creation from the Source of everything...  A projection of consciousness from the All That Is... Why would we exist? What if the All That Is needs 'comparison points' in order to experience itself?  So, in order to experience itself and all of creation, then all things must exist and be experienced by these comparison points - right?  What if we are free will comparison points for the All that Is? So, if every aspect of creation must be mastered for Supreme Consciousness to experience all of it, then good and bad must exist, hence the duality we live with. Every incarnate has what you might call a groove, a way of being, doing and living that is closest to their aspect of light or dark, as they have chosen upon incarnation.  This is the groove of the incarnate, this is the mastery process and soul choice of the incarnate - light or dark?  Or any variation in between?  What have you chosen?  What are you masterin...

The Creation Question

Manifestation or creating change basically happens via changing your frequency to match that of the outcome you desire.  Your frequency will determine what you can see, hear, feel, sense, know and attract in life. In essence we don’t ‘create’ anything because it all already exists, all possibilities and timelines exist, we simply adjust our frequency to match that which we wish to experience.  Hence what you are ‘creating’ is an increase in frequency or a matching of frequency. Don’t get bogged down in the science or explanation of it all, because, when you think you understand it, know that that is not it, it’s too much for the human to understand, and attempting to cognitively understand and explain it puts one into a mental state that impedes the butterfly dreaming and expansiveness that is needed to create the highest possibilities. Questioning, however, opens things up and creates the opportunity for the universe to step forward and show you the steps to t...