Foundation Questions for Happiness
The basic foundation for creating happiness, and a joyful life, is to know and love yourself, feeling the gratitude and joy for you and your life You are filled with, and made up of, 'molecules of you' that connect with Source and respond electromagnetically through a series of processes to project your external world back to you. These molecules of you are responsive to your thoughts, and commands or directions. The degree to which they respond to these, directly correlates to the amount of self love you have, so, the more you genuinely love, respect and nurture the self, the more responsive these molecules of creation are to creating the world and a life that you truly desire. Loving the Self and honouring the Self starts with self-acknowledgment and analysis. You are a free will and sovereign human being. Taking responsibility for your life requires releasing the blame, shame, gripe and moan spiral and bringing it back to you as the creator of your own happine...