Mastering Your Groove

What if we are a step-down creation from the Source of everything...  A projection of consciousness from the All That Is... Why would we exist?

What if the All That Is needs 'comparison points' in order to experience itself?  So, in order to experience itself and all of creation, then all things must exist and be experienced by these comparison points - right?  What if we are free will comparison points for the All that Is?

So, if every aspect of creation must be mastered for Supreme Consciousness to experience all of it, then good and bad must exist, hence the duality we live with.

Every incarnate has what you might call a groove, a way of being, doing and living that is closest to their aspect of light or dark, as they have chosen upon incarnation.  This is the groove of the incarnate, this is the mastery process and soul choice of the incarnate - light or dark?  Or any variation in between?  What have you chosen?  What are you mastering?

If you are following light, yet trying to do life through dark actions then you are not mastering your light groove and things, most likely, won’t fall into place, however, if you are mastering dark and you are doing life through dark actions then you will leap from success to success as you are totally mastering your groove… the issue that seems most prevalent is that a lot of us are mastering light, or at least have "signed up" or expressed a desire to master light, and yet we are interacting with life and making choices that are dark, ie anger, irritation, depression, manipulation etc, these action are actually mastering a dark groove and won’t work for someone mastering light.  

You may have noticed that over time you have gone from feeling extreme rage and anger to feeling ‘just’ irritation, this is a sign of progress at mastering light but there is still a dark groove of irritation, so more needs to be done in order to master the light groove. 

Wondering if you are mastering a light groove or not?  Well, it’s fair to say that, if you’re reading this document there’s an extremely high chance that you are mastering a light groove!  In fact, simply questioning whether your groove is light, is usually indicative of the fact that you are mastering a light groove - those in a dark groove, who are truly mastering a dark groove, don't tend to question their actions or behaviours or even question their groove.

So, mastering light?  Then choose actions, thoughts, behaviours and beliefs that are light!  Observe, reflect and ruminate on light, and light choices, analyse your behaviours, thoughts, and emotions and choose light wherever possible.  If you are co-creating change in your life, choose light pathways towards that change - if that change involves lying, denying, betraying or cruelty, then know that you are following a dark path to try to achieve light, it just won't work without causing damage to you and your state of mind.

Walk the new groove, stay on the new path and don’t be lured back into old patterns/habits.  A new pathway needs repetition to imprint as the overriding choice – mastering your groove takes time and focus, but will change your whole life.

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