
Showing posts from August, 2016

DNA and Creating Change

What is DNA? Obviously, I'm not a scientist of any sort, however, the following is a brief and concise layman's summary of the physical setup of DNA to give you some idea of how the metaphysics of DNA works for creating change. Physically your DNA is a part of your biology found within the nucleus of the cell.  A part of the DNA is made up of genes. Human beings have 23,000 genes and these genes account for 3% of the DNA.  The other 97% of the physical DNA is currently deemed 'junk DNA' by science. The DNA is packed around proteins to make a structure called a chromosome.  There are 23 pairs of chromosomes per cell, with one molecule of DNA each, which means 46 chromosomes and 46 molecules of DNA within each cell.  There are 37.2 trillion cells in the human body, thus there are over 1700 trillion molecules of DNA within the body. What does the DNA do? Most of us know that the DNA is the part of us that dictates the physical attributes of a person.  It ...

Judgement and Observation

The only way forward to creating change is to release resistance, resistance has no flow to it and hence if you are resisting and 'bracing against' you are not flowing and changing.  That's kind of logic, isn't it? Observing your life, your responses and your behaviours and adjusting your consciousness, thoughts and intentions as necessary to reflect an 'allowing state' aids in creating change, it aids in allowing the new to enter because you are not resisting change or flow.  The molecules of your world need to realign, they need to shake things up in order to rearrange themselves to reflect a new reality to you.  Allow the rearrangement to occur as swiftly as possible by observing and flowing with the changes that are taking place, they are leading you to a better alignment, an alignment closer to what you are trying to manifest. Judging what is taking place, or what others are doing, saying, being, or even judging yourself as better or less than anyone or...

Overcoming Resistance to Change

How do I overcome this resistance and actually create some change in my life? The very natural pattern of resistance to change that occurs is happening simply to 'keep you safe', to not challenge the status quo because the subconscious mind says to you 'change is scary, the unknown is scary, and you may end up worse than you are now so just stay here' - but this does not serve you when the change you are making is for your betterment and health. What is actually needed, is a way to calm and soothe the subconscious in order for it to not resist the changes, allowing you to make the changes you want in any area of your life peacefully and easily. You can do this with some very simple tools, the first of which is self-talk, knowing that you will experience resistance, you can consciously be aware of it and talk yourself through the process. Talk to your mind; “I know that this resistance is designed to keep me safe, but I am choosing to engage with life i...

Why Do We Resist Change?

Creating change in your life is about mixing things up, creating movement and getting the flow back in order to manifest what it is you desire.  Humans tend to have a natural resistance to change, what causes this and how do we release it? One of the things that is helpful to understand now, in 5D energy, is that the triangle or trinity of anything is very important, this is especially so when it comes to creating change within your life.   We are now, should be choose it, working with a triangle/diamond shaped grid of creation, hence understanding the trinity of anything is the fastest way to create change in this time. Although the act of manifestation has many trinities associated with it, the foundation trinity associate with it might be viewed as: Releasing the Resistance to change Creating the change and Embracing the change Hence resistance to change is one of the triune aspects of manifestation in the new paradigm, the 5D paradigm....

Touching Upon the Subconscious Mind

We basically have 3 different aspects of the mind, the conscious or thinking mind, the unconscious mind or intuition and the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind tends to run the show when it comes to the body processes and automatic reactions. It is the mind that is mostly in control of all that is happening with your physical body - which is quite right too because if you had to think about and process all of the billions of bits of information you receive every second from just having your eyes open and all of the billions of processes your body needs to perform every second to just keep breathing and moving, you'd go a little nuts!! However, the subconscious brain, in most of us, is also 'in control of' most of our thinking, emotional reactions and choices, for 1000s of years we have relegated our responses to the domain of the subconscious mind, how many times have you consciously questioned what you believe, why you believe it and how it affects your choices? ...

Sovereign Mastery Video

This quick video is a great way to calm the self down and activate the intention for Sovereign Mastery ... There are heaps more free videos and audios that you might find helpful in awakening the self, calming the self and activating the self here at Pure Care Wellness:  FREE stuff

Attaining Sovereign Mastery

Recently I wrote about the state of Sovereign Mastery, and once you have an understanding of what this is, the question becomes, how do I attain it? This is very simple and, at the same time, in practice can seem very difficult – again reflecting to us the duality of the world we live in, simple and hard at the same time. Simply put, attaining sovereign mastery is done via claiming it , so, the first step is; to be aware that it is possible and,  the second is; to claim it for the Self.  A simple decision to be the Sovereign Master of your Being and your life is all that it takes... The decision aligns you with the possibilities of living it into truth and allowing consciousness and the Universe, the God force if you will, to get on board and aid you in claiming, living and being the Sovereign Master of your life. This then requires you to be responsive and interactive with Life when it presents you opportunities to choose Sovereign Mastery. Its about taking r...

What is Sovereign Mastery?

Sovereign mastery is basically a state of being responsible for and directing the flow of one’s life.  We live in a free will universe which is currently based in duality, what this means for us is that our choices matter, our freewill can pervert, divert or revert the course of our lives onto a path that nourishes us or disintegrates us, degenerates us, slowly but surely diminishing us.   We have bought into the concept that we need to live our lives for others or as others do, that our cells and bodies will "do what they do" and may get diseased, if that’s in our genes, and that we are helpless in this regard.  We have followed the beliefs and instructions of our parents, our leaders, our gurus... but how many times have we stopped to question all of this information? How many times have we asked ourselves, "why do I believe that and is that really true for me"?   Sovereign mastery is: a state of deciding for yourself what is true for you,  being resp...

The Silver White Pillar

The Silver White Pillar is a cleansing, refreshing, protective and rejuvenating way to bring oneself back into alignment with who you really are - activate it daily to revive the Self and in any circumstance where you feel you need to reconnect with who you are and/or your inner power. A pillar of silver white (and gold) light energy that surrounds and penetrates you - connecting you to the centre of the earth and to the centre of the galaxy, drawing power, energy and strength.    Activate this pillar by visualizing the elongation of the 12th chakra, which mirrors itself above and below the body, and the projection of a silver white energy pillar around, down and through you, between and penetrating every layer of you and your energy, providing you with a cleansing, rejuvenating, uplifting and activating energy bath and protective energy shield.   Great for refreshing, energising and cleansing the Self - use daily or as needed to stand in your own power. ...

The Hara Line and Magnetism

Referred to by many names including inner core, central core or central pillar, this line of energies runs through the body in front of the spine, from the perineum to the crown – and extends beyond the body to the centre of the earth and galaxy. It is the centre of the physical body crystalline grid and the centre of the silver/white pillar (when activated).  The silver white pillar is the pillar of higher frequency energy (christ consciousness energy) that flows from the soul star to the earth star and back again, surrounding your body, cleansing and uplifting you, increasing your frequency and allowing you to access higher vibrational states. Advanced activation of the hara line involves working with the solar (gold) and lunar (black) energy flows up the spine to the centre of the brain.  A strong and true hara line is aided by living with truth, integrity, love and peace.  The hara line is the core of your magnetism, activating it and strengthening it by li...