Judgement and Observation

The only way forward to creating change is to release resistance, resistance has no flow to it and hence if you are resisting and 'bracing against' you are not flowing and changing.  That's kind of logic, isn't it?

Observing your life, your responses and your behaviours and adjusting your consciousness, thoughts and intentions as necessary to reflect an 'allowing state' aids in creating change, it aids in allowing the new to enter because you are not resisting change or flow.  The molecules of your world need to realign, they need to shake things up in order to rearrange themselves to reflect a new reality to you.  Allow the rearrangement to occur as swiftly as possible by observing and flowing with the changes that are taking place, they are leading you to a better alignment, an alignment closer to what you are trying to manifest.

Judging what is taking place, or what others are doing, saying, being, or even judging yourself as better or less than anyone or anything else is a form of resistance, and resistance has no flow.  Judgement is unnecessary and, in fact, slows down your desired change appearing in your life.  Judgement does not allow for the higher alignment to take place because it comes from an ego space that is defining something as either good or bad based upon your 3D perception and your human limitation and egoic opinions - note however, the lack of judgement does not mean a lack of discernment.

Observing a situation, and discerning it to be 'right' or 'wrong' for you - and I only use these words to illustrate the point, because in so many ways there really is no right or wrong, there is only what works or does not work based upon your needs and desires at any given time - is not judgement! 

Observing and discerning that something is not as you would desire it, does not feel comfortable or aligned for you, is not judging that thing or person.  It is a form of clarity and allows for clear discernment of whether a path, choice, situation or behaviour is going to enhance you and your desired life hologram or diminish you and your desired life hologram.  Basically, does it support you or hinder you?

Hence, observing a person's behaviour and discerning that, by your definition and desires (for certain types of behaviour/people in your sphere) their behaviour is not desirable or is discombobulating to you or your energy and thus choosing to not associate with them (or the situation) any further, or choosing not to allow them to talk to you/treat you in a certain way is not a judgement upon their behaviour, actions, words or even upon their person.  It is, however, an observation upon whether their interaction or personality is nourishing to you and/or your life hologram.

It can be seen then that a lack of judgement upon someone or something, does not mean an ignorance to it, it does not mean that one then puts up with any behaviour or ignores any behaviour that is not resonating with who you are and where you are aiming to be or the life you are trying to live.  It simply means that the castigation and correction of anyone else's behaviour, actions or words is not as important - because castigation and correction implies that you have judged them to be incorrect.  Judgement has resistance, and when we are in resistance we are not allowing change to take place.

Simply put, there is a difference between observing something, just being aware of it and noting it and whether it works for you, and being judgemental and critical of people, things and situations.  Awareness and allowing has flow, it allows the molecules of your hologram to realign themselves to reflect the change you are bringing about.

So, whilst we don't allow anyone or anything to treat us with disrespect, diminish us or belittle us, we also don't judge those that feel it is what they need to do to us or others, we simply detach from the disrespectful situation knowing that, without any judgement, all people must choose for themselves the behaviour and actions they choose to express in the world or dish out to others.

Sometimes we walk away for good, sometimes we walk away until the behaviour changes, but there is no judgement on the behaviour or the person - we know not what that soul is attempting to master through their behaviour and it's not up to us to interfere with their journey.  We simply say (to the instigator or just to the self), 'I choose to not be spoken to/treated like that, and until you are ready to interact respectfully I choose to not be here', then with an open and forgiving heart, understanding that 'each to their own' learning is taking place, we walk away.  This is the act of a Sovereign Master, forgiveness and allowing of the behaviour and choices of others, whilst having respect and esteem enough for the self to not allow it to inflict harm and diminish you. 

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