The Hara Line and Magnetism

Referred to by many names including inner core, central core or central pillar, this line of energies runs through the body in front of the spine, from the perineum to the crown – and extends beyond the body to the centre of the earth and galaxy.

It is the centre of the physical body crystalline grid and the centre of the silver/white pillar (when activated).  The silver white pillar is the pillar of higher frequency energy (christ consciousness energy) that flows from the soul star to the earth star and back again, surrounding your body, cleansing and uplifting you, increasing your frequency and allowing you to access higher vibrational states.

Advanced activation of the hara line involves working with the solar (gold) and lunar (black) energy flows up the spine to the centre of the brain.  A strong and true hara line is aided by living with truth, integrity, love and peace.  The hara line is the core of your magnetism, activating it and strengthening it by living with integrity in peace, truth and love will enhance your magnetism of all things in life.

For help in activating and aligning your hara line, check out this guided activation at Pure Care Wellness

Uplift Me activation 
for raising your frequency and lifting your vibration.

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