Attaining Sovereign Mastery

Recently I wrote about the state of Sovereign Mastery, and once you have an understanding of what this is, the question becomes, how do I attain it?

This is very simple and, at the same time, in practice can seem very difficult – again reflecting to us the duality of the world we live in, simple and hard at the same time. Simply put, attaining sovereign mastery is done via claiming it, so,

the first step is; to be aware that it is possible and, 
the second is; to claim it for the Self. 

A simple decision to be the Sovereign Master of your Being and your life is all that it takes... The decision aligns you with the possibilities of living it into truth and allowing consciousness and the Universe, the God force if you will, to get on board and aid you in claiming, living and being the Sovereign Master of your life. This then requires you to be responsive and interactive with Life when it presents you opportunities to choose Sovereign Mastery.

Its about taking responsibility; no more blame, shame, guilt, recriminations, no more judging and no more being a victim of your life, others, your circumstances or even your body. Take responsibility, take back your power and make the choices you desire. Start living your life your way, not to please others or to fit a mould you want others to believe of you, you came here to master being you so get onto it, you are the only one who can do that! Take responsibility for your choices, and the consequences of those choices.

To claim Sovereignty simply endeavour to live a life of truth, humility, love, peace, respect for self and others, integrity in what you do and say , discernment of what is right and not right for you, non-judgement, gratitude, joy and fearlessness, a healthy dose of detached awareness is also very good, being able to observe, allow and let go.

Should you decide to give your power to another, which is your freewill choice as a human, then in order to maintain the quest for sovereign authority, be discerning as to who you pass your power over to, how much do they stand in the light that you seek, and be discerning as to how much you allow them to dictate your choices, life and beliefs.

It is my opinion that one rarely, if ever, should give over their power to another, however, one can, from a sovereign standpoint, listen and assimilate higher information and guidance from others at any time.

Sovereign Mastery is a fundamental concept that, if embraced, will change, at the very least, your relationship with the Self and others, it is also a concept that is core to bringing health back to the self and creating change in your life.

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